Warp Records
Battles - Juice B Crypts (CD, Album) - NEW
Released: 18 Oct 2019
Format: CD, Album
[1] Ambulance
[2] A Loop So Nice...
[3] They Placed It Twice
[4] Sugar Foot
[5] Fort Greene Park
[6] Titanium 2 Step
[7] Hiro 3
[8] IZM
[9] Juice B Crypts
[10] Last Supper On Shasta
CD housed in a 4-panel gatefold cardboard sleeve, with a [url=https://img.discogs.com/LBIAN5X7vUYDt1l52y6478Uq578=/fit-in/600x460/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-14220428-1571814417-5795.jpeg.jpg]folded 8-panel poster[/url] of a fictional subway map (poster is only printed on a single-side).
Hype sticker on the shrink wrap reads:
WARP (logo)
Juice B Crypts
Featuring Salvatore Principato (of [a5454]), Shabazz Palaces, Tune-Yards, Jon Anderson ([a50263]), Prairie WWWW & Xenia Rubinos.
On the rear of the gatefold cardsleeve: MADE IN EU.