Various / Peter-Thomas-Sound-Orchester* - Warp Back To Earth 66/99 (Rückstoß Zur Erde) (2xCD, Comp, Dig) - USED
Released: 1998
Format: CD, Compilation
Sleeve condition: Very Good Plus
Media condition: Very Good Plus
[] Reworks
[1-1] Es Läuft
[1-2] Blaue Milch
[1-3] There Is No Such Thing As Bad Weather...
[1-4] P.Etit.E
[1-5] Chaos In The Gym
[1-6] PTvsYS
[1-7] Raumpatrouille Opium
[1-8] Neutron
[1-9] Evil Guitar
[1-10] Zero One
[1-11] The Bells Of Senegal
[1-12] Ron's Newt
[1-13] Space Rocks
[1-14] Dub In My Club
[1-15] Peter In Space
[1-16] Neukoment
[1-17] Warp Back To Earth
[] P.Thomas Original Tracks
[2-1] Onanirato
[2-2] Syntheziser's Melody
[2-3] Zero Zoom Novembra
[2-4] Flirtation
[2-5] Love 71
[2-6] Dark Nature
[2-7] Apartmenthouse
[2-8] Espionage Under Water
[2-9] Galaxy Fall Out
[2-10] Nuclear Chemistry
[2-11] Neutron
[2-12] Lobby And Supercomputer
[2-13] Aum
[2-14] Leukozyt
[2-15] Communication In Hyperspace
[2-16] Little Computer
[2-17] Tremolo Elektro
[2-18] Heptaeder
[2-19] Exiting Two Tones
[2-20] EKG
[2-21] Phasing Violins
[2-22] Kybernetiker In Eile
[2-23] Fötus Irrationales
[2-24] Basso Secco
[2-25] Freelance Dance
[2-26] Sub Deep Frequences In Violet
[2-27] Saekular Plasma
[2-28] Iterierte Brush Sequence
[2-29] Brush Sequence
Packaged in a 3 panel Digipak sleeve and includes a folded 8 panel insert with credits and artwork.